Sadhguru Shri Brahma

Sadhguru Parabrahma was also known as Sadhshiva Shri Brahmam, Sadhguru Swami was a unique spiritualist, revolutionist.

Sadhguru Shri Brahma was born in Naduvapatty, Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu as a farmer.
His wife name was Subbamal and they had 4 children of which 3 daughters and 1 son.
Three of his Grand Daughters are currently living in Chennai Virudhunagar and Thanjavur.

He used to sit on Tiger skin and kept reading spiritual books more often. Once when he used to guard his farm it is said that he had an encounter with sidhhar who said to have taught meditation, sadhana. On another account Sadhguru Shri Brahma is said to have received grace from Agastyar.

He used to sit for weeks in meditation. He used to meet the nomads in his region and went on to meet the help from his home and became serious and keen in that motive and people couldn’t understand his motive for being so helpful.
On one occasion, he took a vow with three of his friends to lift him up from Samadhi after 40 days and pour 101 pots of water with some herbs and stand aside doing so, if not the powers will strike them. They guarded him for 10 days and people started assuming he is dead inside the samadhi and brought the police and dug up the Samadhi he was alive and got up hurrying, with frustration and sat in a Vinayaka temple nearby.
It is said that drought hit that village once he left the place.

1913, from Naduvapatty he went to M.Subbulapuram, people of that village always revered saints and sadhus and they welcomed him too. Once, a boy from nearby village was bitten by a snake who was declared dead by a local healer. Sadhguru who was seated on a chair near a temple enquired the men who were carrying the dead boy. When Sadhguru enquired they claimed the kid is dead due to snake bite, he advised to put the kid down and put a curtain like enclosure around him, after few minutes the kid woke up as if got up from sleep.

He is acclaimed as a Hatha Raja yogi and he has mastered the art of stopping the flow of nadis for very long durations. He used to effortlessly sit underground for long durations blissfully immersed in Kanta Samadhi. He has mastered the Sushupti Avastha. 

He later went to heal and help the needy and people were educated on spirituality by him through his discourses. He instructed the people of the village to perform Annadanam for 3 days for the village people on account of Guru Pooja, people claimed due to their financial condition they doubted they can proceed.
Sadhguru said to them “You Simply do it” It will all happen by itself”. People approached a wealthy man in the village who challenged the village people to have Sadhguru bring forth rain and then he will give the funds. People informed this to Sadhguru and it rained only in that vicinity of that village heavily. The wealthy man apologised and funded the event.

As he would repeat the name Sadhguru several times during his meditations people started calling him Sadhguru Swami. He performed a guru pooja as per skanda purana, which is a conversation between agastya Muni and Kartikeya which involves 16 offerings to the guru known as Shodasa Upachara. After Gurupooja Sadhguru vanished in front of people advising them to look after their work.

He came to Palani and provided a spiritual spark to few people who went on andcarried to many other around the world.
Sadghuru details were recorded in Swami Chidhbavananda Biogrpahy, one such disciple of him was Swami Satchidananda Saraswati who went to establish the YogaVille ashram in USA. On one occasion, Sadhguru performed Jalasamadhi in Brahma Teertham Temple Pond in Palani, people reported to this collector and they brought him out who was still alive. 

From there he went to E.Vellanur for reasons unknown which is a discreet place, which there is Sadhguru’s Ashram today.”
He went on Samadhi again and some Anti-religious people went to the collector to complain that he is buried by some men after extorting money from him. People whom he kept them to guard went on to remove him on 7th day evening after numerous pots of water and herb. On the next day he opened his eyes which was coincidence when collector came in his front of him and collector was blinded. He wrote and asked why he was disturbed and they went to explain the reason, Sadhguru advised in return for this he instructed the village people to perform Annadanam for 12000 people and he restored collector’s eye sight.
1915, after the Guru Pooja in E.Vellanur swami came to Thiruvanaikovil Chinnayai’s grove.He stayed in Tirchy long enough for people to come and sit in his presence and his family came to know about his whereabouts where he advises them to not see him again and he is for people.
Social untouchablity was at its peak. Sadhguru broke this tradition and made people walk on the streets and also making them enter the main temple. It was such a controversial event which attracted newspaper which attracted people like Periyar who was a revolutionist. 
Sadhguru told Periyar that Legal and Constitutional changes cannot be brought through spirituality.
The caste and religion has to go and education must be available to all. He said that Periyar that he will be an influential leader and he will make sure his name is in history even when he is not there.
A British Collector who knew about Sadhguru ordered the railway track to be laid deviating away from the path where Sadhguru was meditating in Samadhi.

Star Studios took a photograph of him which not did appear when developed , next day they went to take another picture and Sadhguru said “what , you are taking without permission , take now” and that one photograph is what is available everywhere.
ThiruKandhal Dakshina Murthy Mutt in Ooty where he performed Kanda Yoga where he could spilt his body parts for a certain type of Sadhana.

Sadhguru was opposed by Religious fundamentalists because he broke the caste systems and untouchability. He ended up being created animosity with groups that did not comply with his actions. This made the environment difficult for him to do anything effectively in society, besides he was also initiating women into meditative process which was not accepted in times of inequality.

Looking back at Sadhguru’s reasons to visit so many places and infusing them with such energy tend to point at one cause alone. He was in process of creating / identifying a form which all of his disciple and followers could use and benefit from long after his departure.
However when Sadhguru is unable to fulfil his vision he decides to return in his next life time. He decides to head for Velliangiri hills knowing that his guru PalaniVel Swami has been there. He left his body through all his seven chakras without leaving a single trace of his body, before climbing the Velliangiri he told his disciples, “This one will be back”


NOTE: This is a video transcript from Samyuktha Production based on Youtube channel SadhguruAnd. Please feel free to watch the complete documentary at
